
It's so easy to be happy here, despite the constant loneliness of being surrounded by people but never seeing you. It gives the happiness an edge, but I can't deny that college life is better than I expected. Better even than I had hoped during my most desperate high school moments.

At the same time, it's so easy to be unhappy here. I am desperate to share everything with you, to be with you throughout this time. I think that would be my personal definition of perfect. It's easy to be unhappy just because I'm so happy without being able to show you.

I've joined Pirate Club and Fever. I've gone to Fall Fest, I've gone to frats. I've been to the cafeteria and to restaurants, where I ordered off the children's menu and felt delightfuly cheap.

Walking back to the dorm this evening I stopped to pet some guy's dog. I hadn't petted a dog in four days. It felt like four years. I need to get a fish or a plant or something. Something to lavish affection on.

I have a lot of unused affection right now.