no words, only dreams
a few years ago i woke up in the dark of the morning with the air still black and wet and clinging to my window. holding on to the metal railing of my loft bed with one hand i extended my body into the air, my other hand groping for the light chain dangling from the ceiling. that moment seemed to last forever as i hung there, suspended in midair in the dark, feeling weightless and surreal. then out of nowhere came a startling blow to my head that flung me backwards in a violent explosion of pain, the back of my skull crashing into the metal bedframe. i lay on my back in stunned silence with a hand clapped over the wound. it wasnt until a few moments later that i remembered that i had put the fan on before going to bed. i leaned out into the air again, keeping my head lower this time. finding the chain at last i tugged on it until the lights burst into action. one of the fan blades had a red mark on the edge. a red mark that exactly matched the blood on my head. i cleaned it off with a tissue.i dont have that bed anymore. now my bed is low to the ground and it screeches like a pissed off cat every time i move. yesterday i lay on my back in that bed with its soft lumps of mattress padding pushing against my back, with the dog sitting on the pillow next to my head, with .s. by my side, and i watched that fan spin its endless shadows across the ceiling as the sun scorched the world outside.
these words - maybe they cant describe anything for anyone but me. maybe im just putting my own dreams and memories into one more unrecognizable form for the benefit of no one but myself. but words arent so important anyway. because you dont need words when youve got dreams.